
E.D.E. Bell

E.D.E. Bell (she/her or e/em) is a fantasy writer and small press editor. A passionate vegan and earnest progressive, she feels strongly about issues related to equality and compassion. Her works are quiet and queer and often explore conceptions of identity and community, including themes of friendship, family, and connection. She lives in Ferndale, Michigan, where she writes stories, revels in garlic, and manages the creative side of her indie press, Atthis Arts. You can follow eir adventures at edebell.com.

Bell was born in the year of the fire dragon during a Cleveland blizzard. After a youth in the Mitten, an MSE in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, three wonderful children, and nearly two decades in Northern Virginia and Southwest Ohio developing technical intelligence strategy, she started the indie press Atthis Arts. Working through mental disorders and an ever-complicated world, she now tries to bring light and love as she can through fantasy fiction, as a proud part of the Detroit arts community.

Address: I generally use she/her pronouns, love the use of e/em pronouns particularly from people who see me that way, and have no issue with whatever other good-faith pronoun one might use. Please call me Emily (or shorthand E.) unless there’s a cause for formality or titles, in which case Mx. Bell is best. From my years spent around military, I do instinctively answer to Bell. As long as you’re with me.


Publishing Professionals Against Book Bans (PPABB) Volunteer, 2025-Present

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) Volunteer, 2022-Present

Gen Con Writers Symposium (GCWS) Programming Lead, 2023-2024

Gen Con Writers Symposium (GCWS) Accessibility Coordinator, 2022

ConFusion Head of Programming, 2020-2022

Secretary, InAccord, 2018-2019 (I miss you, Al)


British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) Longlist, Novel for Night Ivy, 2022 and Inkbloom, 2023, Short Non Fiction for “Escapism is a Lie” 2024

Editor Guest of Honour, The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature (Can*Con), 2022

Featured Artist, London Comic Con, 2022-2024

Midwest Book Awards Winner, Fiction: Fantasy/SciFi/Horror/Paranormal for Just Bart, 2021

Author Guest, The Great Lakes Fall Expo, 2019